I'm aware that new sign ups are not able to receive the email confirmation notification, due to google has disabled the SMTP service. please email me at [email protected] for manual activation. We will be moving to a better platform soon.
Pag may issue direct email nyo lang ako sa [email protected]. Hindi mawawala ang site nato dahil need natin ng ganitong site para may protection tayo. Kumpara sa Social Media kung san expose ang buong buhay nyo :) Ingat baka matrace kayo. Alam nyo naman ang nature ng buhay natin sa Singapore. Ingat po sa lahat. Salamat po! :)
Important notice to those who are posting Job Advertisements on the site. Please check the proper guidelines from Tafep.sg here before posting. Read on the Words And Phrases To Avoid In Job Advertisements .
Hi to all Pinoys out there in Singapore! We are bringing up a new online community where our aim is to help each other and to integrate / blend well with other people around us here in our 2nd Home. Hope you can join us and make us your new tambayan place! An attempt to bring back pinoysg.com . For issues on the site please send your concern to [email protected] . Please don't forget to check your spam folder when checking for the confirmation email.
Marami pa bang job opportunities sa Singapore?
Newbie here. Nakabase po ako sa Dubai at gusto ko sana lumipat sa singapore since nandyan na ang bf ko
Question: May opportunities po ba jan ang mga industrial engineering grad na may expi sa manufacturing companies?
Newbie here. Nakabase po ako sa Dubai at gusto ko sana lumipat sa singapore since nandyan na ang bf ko
Question: May opportunities po ba jan ang mga industrial engineering grad na may expi sa manufacturing companies?

Unless you have a super niche, specialized, highly needed skill in SG, with loads of experience and you happen to have gone to a very prestigious global university (I think UP is the only university even featured on the global top 1000 and still it is only rank #800 something lol). Welcome to the global arena where competition is fierce. If you have these, ibang usapan yan and SG will make u rich beyond your wildest dreams.
or you're a multi millionaire who's sick of your home country's taxes and wishes to setup residence in SG instead. SG will welcome you with open arms.
Pagplanuhan ko maigi and pray maging successful just like ng nangyari sakin dito sa dubai
Second, if the employer want to hire you and they apply pass for you, but the second body MOM rejected your pass application due to whatsoever reason which you will not have a chance to know, then just simply say goodbye to Singapore.
magtatanung lang po ako sa mga galing ng singapore yong sweldo na 3000sgd po ba ay magkano ang matitira sayo pag sayo ang accomodation ,pagkain,transpo,at iba pa