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Pag may issue direct email nyo lang ako sa [email protected]. Hindi mawawala ang site nato dahil need natin ng ganitong site para may protection tayo. Kumpara sa Social Media kung san expose ang buong buhay nyo :) Ingat baka matrace kayo. Alam nyo naman ang nature ng buhay natin sa Singapore. Ingat po sa lahat. Salamat po! :)
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Hi to all Pinoys out there in Singapore! We are bringing up a new online community where our aim is to help each other and to integrate / blend well with other people around us here in our 2nd Home. Hope you can join us and make us your new tambayan place! An attempt to bring back pinoysg.com . For issues on the site please send your concern to [email protected] . Please don't forget to check your spam folder when checking for the confirmation email.
Investing in Mutual Funds
Hello mga kababayans
Calling those who are interested in investing in Mutual funds, (SGD Currency). Hit me up if you:
1. Want a disciplined contribution of savings for that long term goal you have in mind.
2. Want a low-risk safer approach to investments. (Pwede din naman high risk ang funds if aggressive investor ka
3. Want to outpace INFLATION. (interest rates in banks fail to do this)
4. Do not want to financially depend on CPF or SS or Family members/friends for retirement needs.
5. Want an investment account that you can make Partial Withdrawals from. (In case of emergencies.)
Wisdom Saving Banats:
"Its never wrong or too late to save."
"The longer time horizon you have, the more potential there is for wealth accumulation. The key action is to start NOW."
Licensed FA under Monetary Authority of Singapore
+65 8571 5493
inquiries/more info @ my website click here
Mutual Fund info:

Calling those who are interested in investing in Mutual funds, (SGD Currency). Hit me up if you:
1. Want a disciplined contribution of savings for that long term goal you have in mind.
2. Want a low-risk safer approach to investments. (Pwede din naman high risk ang funds if aggressive investor ka

3. Want to outpace INFLATION. (interest rates in banks fail to do this)
4. Do not want to financially depend on CPF or SS or Family members/friends for retirement needs.
5. Want an investment account that you can make Partial Withdrawals from. (In case of emergencies.)
Wisdom Saving Banats:
"Its never wrong or too late to save."
"The longer time horizon you have, the more potential there is for wealth accumulation. The key action is to start NOW."
Licensed FA under Monetary Authority of Singapore
+65 8571 5493
inquiries/more info @ my website click here
Mutual Fund info:
Fund info:
This Sub-Fund is managed with the objective of preserving principal value and
maintaining a high degree of liquidity while providing current income, high quality Singapore Dollar denominated instruments and bank deposits, or equivalent short-term, high quality instruments, denominated in
foreign currencies hedged back to Singapore.
(Singapore Government Securities, you are expecting to get an average return of 0.9% (1 year) to 2.4% (10 years).)
In comparison to investment linked policies that invests in Funds: altho not guaranteed 4% - 8% ang projected returns, magadd ng Equity fund*, mas tataas yan.
Yan yung observations/calculations ko from my existing clients.
(*If your time horizon allows you to take more risk)
Sorry for the long reply po! Want to explain more to the filipinos here also. Salamat
Regarding comissions, kapag front end loading ang policy, first few years lng kami makakareceive ng remun, out of the 15-30 years that you will have it.
Cdp faq: https://www1.cdp.sgx.com/sgx-cdp-web/static/cdpFAQs?lang=en